TCPCHW Chapter 79

The Crown Prince Chases His Wife

Chapter 79          Letting Go

His Highness’s expression grew colder, like a layer of frost forming on his face. Sensing the tension, Song Zhi quickly added, “I’ve already sent shadow guards to follow her.”

Feng Zhan closed his eyes and pressed his fingers to his forehead again. After a moment, his cold voice broke the silence in the room.

“How did she get in?”

His tone was icy, with an underlying hint of weariness. The headache seemed to be worsening.

“I’ll find out immediately,” Song Zhi responded, quickly exiting the room.

As soon as he closed the door behind him, Song Zhi exhaled a long, heavy breath. Princess, please don’t make things harder for His Highness. It’s the entire Taizi Mansion that suffers…

One incense stick’s time later, Song Zhi returned.

Entering the room, he found His Highness still in his inner garments, sitting at the edge of the bed in the same position, his hand still supporting his head.

Seeing His Highness’s condition, Song Zhi immediately asked, “Your Highness, shall I summon the physician?”

Feng Zhan slowly lowered his hand to his knee, his narrowed eyes sharp and piercing.

“Where did she go?”

Song Zhi froze for a moment. She? Which ‘she’?

Realizing his blunder, he quickly corrected himself. Of course, it’s the Princess!

“The shadow guards report that the Princess has gone to Cangxi Forest in the southern part of the city. I’ve ordered them to stay close and report her movements promptly.”

“As for how the Second Young Lady Wang from the Left Prime Minister Mansion got into Liu Garden earlier today, it happened during the shift change between the Princess Mansion’s guards and the Taizi Mansion’s guards. Miss Wang deceived the Princess’s guards by claiming to be a guest of yours. It was my oversight.”

Having finished his report, Song Zhi knelt down with his hands clasped in front of him.

Feng Zhan’s lips curled slightly as he spoke in a cold voice, “All those involved will receive twenty lashes with the military rod.”

“Including you,” Feng Zhan added, casting a frosty glance at Song Zhi.

“I accept my punishment,” Song Zhi replied, fully aware that he deserved it. His failure to properly manage the guards had led to this situation. Luckily, it hadn’t escalated further…

But wait…

How could he say it hadn’t escalated? Right now, anything involving the Princess was of utmost importance.

His Highness’s journey to win her over…


“Strengthen the guards in the garden. Replace the previous personnel with those from the Taizi Mansion,” Feng Zhan ordered in a low voice. After a brief pause, he added, “Summon the physician.”

Song Zhi acknowledged the command, “Yes, Your Highness.”

Suddenly, an idea struck Song Zhi.

“Your Highness, it seems that the gentleman, Ji Nanfeng, who is close to the Princess, is highly skilled in medicine. Perhaps we could borrow him from the Princess?”

Song Zhi glanced at the Taizi, but his expression remained unreadable.

Your Highness, maybe it’s time for a little ‘woe-is-me’ strategy? Song Zhi thought, sighing inwardly. He was willing to go to any length to ensure His Highness married the Princess soon.

“Your Highness, after I’ve taken my punishment, may I request permission to visit Cangxi Forest?”

Song Zhi didn’t explicitly state his intentions, but it was clear—he wanted to clear up the misunderstanding with the Princess regarding Second Young Lady Wang. This was not the kind of misunderstanding that should be allowed to fester overnight, lest the Princess hold it against His Highness.

Feng Zhan gave no verbal response, only waving his hand dismissively.

He didn’t say no—that means yes, Song Zhi thought, and he quickly exited the room.

As the door opened and closed, the cool evening breeze rushed in.

Feng Zhan suddenly felt a tickle in his throat. He raised a fist to his lips and coughed lightly.

The headache seemed to be worsening.

If Qin Yan’s name had already been inscribed in the imperial registry, she would have been rightfully by his side, and he wouldn’t have had to struggle to find legitimate reasons to see her. The current situation was frustrating—having to come up with excuses just to be near her.


Cangxi Forest, one of the four great gardens of Yangzhou, was most renowned for its masterful original scenery. The garden faced south, not enclosed by walls but separated by a stream, with the southern boundary marked by the tranquil waters of Cangxi. The garden itself was nestled along the stream, with its main entrance a picturesque stone bridge arching over the water, giving the place an air of ancient elegance.

Beyond the stream, the distant rolling hills added to the charm, blending seamlessly with the garden. The combination of the near stream and the far mountains created a natural, unforced beauty that made the garden so special.

Song Zhi arrived at Cangxi Forest by carriage. Having just received his punishment of twenty lashes, riding a horse would have been unbearable.

As expected, he was stopped at the southern entrance of the garden, near the bridge.

Before long, Ji Nanfeng appeared.

“Lord Song,” Ji Nanfeng greeted him.

Song Zhi returned the greeting politely, “Mr. Ji, I apologize for disturbing you at this late hour, but the situation is urgent. I need to trouble you to pass on a message to the Princess.”

Ji Nanfeng squinted slightly. He had already pieced together that the Princess’s sudden departure from Liu Garden was likely related to the Taizi, so he had a fair idea of why Song Zhi was here.

Song Zhi continued, “Please convey my apologies to the Princess. I failed to properly manage the security at Liu Garden, allowing Second Young Lady Wang to enter the grounds uninvited. If this has caused any displeasure to the Princess, I am here to offer my sincere regrets.”

Ji Nanfeng nodded and turned to leave.

Before he could go, Song Zhi called out again, “Mr. Ji, could I ask for a remedy for headaches? The truth is, His Highness Taizi has caught a cold, and it’s been lingering for several days. His duties are many, and he hasn’t had time to attend to his health.”

Ji Nanfeng and Song Zhi exchanged a knowing look. They both understood that if the Taizi were truly ill, he wouldn’t need Ji Nanfeng to prescribe anything. And even if Ji Nanfeng did provide a prescription, it would have to be thoroughly checked by Taizi’s own physicians before it could be used.

This plea for help—was it truly from the Taizi, or was it Song Zhi’s own initiative?

“Wait here,” Ji Nanfeng said, turning back into the garden.

After a short while, he returned, holding a small piece of paper with a prescription written on it. He handed it to Song Zhi.

Song Zhi carefully pocketed the prescription, thanked Ji Nanfeng, and began limping back to his carriage.

Ji Nanfeng watched him struggle back, squinting slightly.

Did Lord Song just… get whipped?

Because of tonight’s incident?


The next morning, Qin Yan headed to the study with Ji Nanfeng to attend to some official business.

After making all the necessary arrangements, Ji Nanfeng inquired, “Master, would you like to meet with the heads of the various prefectures in Jiangnan?”

Qin Yan pondered briefly before responding, “Mr. Ji, set up a banquet in the garden tomorrow. Have the kitchen prepare dishes and drinks according to the tastes of each head and their families. Also, find out their preferences and prepare some gifts.”

“Yes, Master,” Ji Nanfeng nodded. He hesitated for a moment before adding, “Master, Lord Song from the Taizi Mansion visited yesterday.”

“Lord Song wished to apologize on behalf of his master. He mentioned that it was due to his oversight in the arrangement of the guards at Liu Garden that allowed Second Young Lady Wang of the Left Prime Minister Mansion to enter the garden.”

“I have confirmed with the night watch guards that Second Young Lady Wang was only in Liu Garden for the time it takes to brew a cup of tea. She was turned away by the His Highness’s guards before she even reached his residence.”

Qin Yan continued sipping her tea, her expression unreadable.

Ji Nanfeng added, “It seems His Highness has caught a cold…” His words were interrupted by the sharp sound of a teacup being set down with force.

Qin Yan placed the teacup on the table and looked at Ji Nanfeng, her tone indifferent, “In the future, there’s no need to inform me about matters related to the Taizi.”

Ji Nanfeng was slightly taken aback. These past days, the relationship between his master and the His Highness Taizi had fluctuated between warm and cold, but he had always assumed it was part of their dynamic. Was his Master really planning to sever ties with the Taizi?

After Ji Nanfeng left, Qin Yan instructed Shen Ying to set up a writing desk in the southern part of the garden, with ink and paper ready.

The southern corridor of Cangxi Forest offered a perfect view of the stream and distant mountains through the lattice windows. Standing in the autumn breeze, Qin Yan began to paint. On the paper, the landscape of autumn mountains shrouded in mist took form with her bold and grand strokes.

In just the time it took to burn a stick of incense, Qin Yan finished the painting. She washed her hands in the blue and white porcelain basin Shen Ying held out.

Shen Ying’s expression was a bit embarrassed. Outside the study earlier, she had overheard Ji Nanfeng’s conversation with her master. It seemed that she had misunderstood His Highness Taizi yesterday. If it hadn’t been for her impulsive reaction, perhaps her master and His Highness Taizi might have…

“Master, about yesterday, I—”

“It’s not your fault,” Qin Yan interrupted, understanding her subordinate’s thoughts. Shen Ying’s emotions were written all over her face; Qin Yan could see right through her concerns.

Shen Ying was puzzled but didn’t dare to ask more questions as she began tidying up the desk.

Qin Yan stepped out onto the veranda, gazing at the distant mountains and listening to the gentle flow of the stream below. She closed her eyes, letting the autumn breeze carry the scent of ripening fruit from the fields, fresh and invigorating.

Qin Yan did have some affection for Feng Zhan and didn’t believe he would be the type to indulge in indiscriminate relationships. However, this faint affection wasn’t enough for her to tolerate being caught in a web of entanglements with other women over a man.

It was better to let go and leave it behind.

And so, she would forget him and move on.


Feng Zhan took his medicine last night, and by this morning, his headache had completely subsided. However, his subordinates could still sense that His Highness Taizi’s mood remained far from pleasant.

The Taizi’s carriage, escorted by his personal guards, made its way to the prefectural office in the northern part of the city.

Throughout the proceedings, Feng Zhan spoke very little, his expression particularly cold and stern. Despite the cool autumn weather, the officials present found themselves breaking into a sweat, wondering if the Taizi were deeply dissatisfied with their handling of the flood situation.

This year’s floods caused varying degrees of breaches along several rivers. Officials from the Ministry of Works, Ministry of Revenue, and Ministry of War had arrived in Jiangnan, with some directly heading to the breached areas and others gathering in Yangzhou, awaiting the Taizi’s orders at the prefectural office.

During the lunch break, Lin Hui arranged for everyone to dine at the office. However, the Taizi remained seated at his desk, reviewing the reports from various regions, rather than joining the others in the main hall for the meal.

The officials ate without tasting the food, concerned about the Crown Prince’s dissatisfaction and whether he might take action against them.

As Lin Miao approached the entrance of the meeting hall, she was stopped by the Taizi’s guards.

Peering through the open door, she caught sight of His Highness Taizi, dressed in a black embroidered robe and adorned with a jade crown. His chiseled features were strikingly cold, exuding an intimidating presence that stirred admiration in her heart.

Raising her voice slightly, Lin Miao called out, “Your Highness, I have personally prepared some porridge for you. Please have some to warm your stomach.”

Without even lifting his gaze, the Taizi continued to peruse the documents before him. Song Zhi, who stood by his side, swiftly stepped outside.

“Miss Lin, perhaps it is time for your father to set some proper rules for your household,” he said sharply before turning on his heel and closing the doors behind him.

Lin Miao blushed with embarrassment, holding the lacquered tray with the porridge as she walked away dejectedly.


In the late afternoon, Feng Zhan exited the prefectural office and was about to board his carriage when Song Zhi asked, “Your Highness, shall we return to Liu Garden?”

Feng Zhan paused and turned back, “Where is she?”

Song Zhi understood that “she” referred to Princess Zhaoren. He replied, “The secret guards report that Princess Zhaoren hasn’t gone out today and is currently at Cangxi Forest.”

Feng Zhan furrowed his brows, deep in thought.

At that moment, a guard from the Taizi Mansion hurried over to Song Zhi, presenting a small bamboo tube with both hands. “Lord Song,” he said before stepping back.

Song Zhi retrieved a fine white silk cloth from the tube and unfolded it, and his expression immediately turned solemn.

“Your Highness, news from the capital is that the old Prime Minister Wang has passed away.”

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