TCPCHW Chapter 76

The Crown Prince Chases His Wife

Chapter 76          Father

In the Capital City at the Princess Mansion at Xishan.

For the past several days, Xie Changyuan had found himself repeatedly blocked at the entrance of the Princess Mansion. But today, for the first time, he saw the steward, Shen Huai, emerge instead of the gates remaining tightly shut.

However, Xie Changyuan’s hopes were dashed, as Shen Huai was not there to invite him inside.

With a stern expression and a tone that was anything but friendly, Shen Huai spoke, “Shizi Xie, are you here to return the token? If not, there’s no need to come back again. My master has said that if the token truly can’t be found, we can just pretend that the whole matter never happened.”

Shen Huai struggled to suppress his impatience, trying to phrase things as politely as possible.

His master’s exact words had been, “Just consider it as a gift to them.”

But as a servant, he couldn’t very well relay those words directly.

Xie Changyuan’s eyes darkened. He had thought that holding onto the token would at least keep a connection between him and Qin Yan.

Qin Yan… just pretend it never happened before?

“Shizi Xie, my master has traveled far and is truly not at home. This is not an excuse. Please don’t come again—let’s maintain the last shred of dignity between our two families. It would also spare the Princess Anyang and Madam from further embarrassment.”

Shen Huai sighed inwardly. His young lady and Princess Anyang had arranged the marriage between Xie Changyuan and his master, but who would have thought it would come to this? Moreover, with Xie Changyuan’s wedding just days away, his frequent visits to the Princess Mansion were unbecoming and could easily lead to damaging rumors about his master.

Besides, with his young lady soon returning, Shen Huai didn’t want Xie Changyuan’s sudden change of heart to cause any distress for her.

Shaking his head, Shen Huai turned and entered the residence, the gate closing behind him.

Xie Changyuan stood in place, his expression bleak.

Now, even seeing Qin Yan had become an impossibility, let alone saying all the things he had been preparing for days, none of which had even left his lips.

Am I really getting married? he thought bitterly. To someone who isn’t Qin Yan? That woman?

Xie Changyuan’s expression turned icy cold. He mounted his horse in a flash and rode away at a furious pace.


Xie Changyuan returned to his mansion in the western suburbs, and as soon as he stepped into the front courtyard, he noticed He Xiao, who had been waiting for some time.

However, He Xiao, usually known for his carefree and roguish demeanor, now appeared somber and serious, a stark contrast to his usual self.

In a pavilion in the front courtyard of the Xie Mansion, Xie Changyuan and He Xiao sat across from each other at a stone table. Instead of wine, there was only plain tea on the table before them.

Both had official duties to return to the city, so drinking was not an option at the moment.

He Xiao already knew that Xie Changyuan had just returned from Princess Zhaoren Mansion, and judging by his disappointed expression, it seemed he had been turned away at the door.

He Xiao had witnessed Xie Changyuan’s relationship with Qin Yan from the beginning—from the initial regret over the broken engagement at the city gate to his current state of heartache and helplessness. Not wanting to rub salt in the wound, He Xiao refrained from asking too many questions. Instead, he took a sip of the light tea and spoke.

“Tomorrow, I’m heading to Jiangnan. The Taizi issued an urgent military order, directing the Ministry of War to send men south to assist with the flood relief. This is a prime opportunity to earn merit. Once I return from the south, I’ll head to Shuobei.”

Xie Changyuan seemed distracted, his thoughts elsewhere, so He Xiao continued to ramble on.

“I’ve heard that things in the court have been unstable recently. The Emperor has resumed control, while Empress Dowager Xiao has put forward the Second and Third Princes to assist with governance.”

“The Taizi faction seems to be focusing on academic pursuits and has been quiet on political matters. But the quieter it gets, the more uneasy it feels. What is the Taizi planning?”

“The capital has been lively these days, with three consecutive weddings. Tomorrow, there’s the wedding of the Left Prime Minister Mansion and the Marquis of Guan Nei Mansion, followed by the Marquis of Yongding Mansion and the Yizhou imperial family, and the day after, the Prince Duan Mansion and the Grand Scholar Mansion. The only one missing is my wedding.”

“Qin Nian went to Jiangnan for ancestral rites. By the time she returns to the capital, I suppose you’ll be preparing for your own wedding, Shizi Xie.”

“But even though the Taizi has left the capital, his influence remains. An urgent decree returned from the capital, ordering all the princes and marquises to return to their territories immediately and directing the Ministry of War, Ministry of Works, and Ministry of Revenue to send additional personnel to Jiangnan. The whole city is in a frenzy, and even marriages are being rushed through before the officials have to leave the capital.”

“Tsk, tsk, that’s the power of influence. Which man wouldn’t envy that?”

Suddenly, a thought seemed to cross He Xiao’s mind, and he hesitated for a moment before asking, “Shizi Xie, you went to the Princess Zhaoren Mansion earlier. Are you unaware that Princess Zhaoren, Qin Yan, has already gone to Jiangnan with the Taizi?”

Xie Changyuan’s head shot up, his surprise quickly turning to dejection.

Qin Yan had always been discreet in her actions, her whereabouts rarely known. Xie Changyuan hadn’t realized that Qin Yan truly wasn’t at her residence. He had assumed that Shen Huai’s claim of Qin Yan being away was just an excuse and that Qin Yan was deliberately avoiding him.

But she had actually gone to Jiangnan with the Taizi?

Xie Changyuan forced a bitter smile. Have I been fooling myself all this time? Has Qin Yan already forgotten about me?

Seeing the shift in Xie Changyuan’s expression from shock to sadness, He Xiao understood that Shizi Xie genuinely hadn’t known. No wonder he had gone to the Princess Mansion only to find it empty.

Trying to console him, He Xiao said, “I heard this from a colleague at the Ministry of War. They said someone saw Princess Zhaoren board the dragon boat with the Taizi. Some colleagues have even started a betting pool, wagering on which family will ultimately secure the Crown Princess title. Can you guess who they think…”

Xie Changyuan’s face darkened further, and He Xiao quickly stopped himself, inwardly cursing his own poor attempt at comfort. Why am I saying these things?

“Shizi Xie, forget it. Your wedding is the day after tomorrow—focus on preparing for that. The Emperor Yizhou’s sister is of noble birth; she’s a much better match than… well, better than the situation you had before…” He Xiao tried to change the subject, unaware that his words were still a sore spot for Xie Changyuan.

Xie Changyuan responded with a cold, mocking laugh, “The Emperor Yizhou’s sister…”

He Xiao was puzzled. What was wrong with what he said?

Xie Changyuan’s voice turned icy as he revealed something that left He Xiao utterly stunned.

“The Empress Dowager’s decree to marry me to Emperor Yizhou’s sister—her full name is Ye Qingli. And the name she once used in the capital was A Yan.”

He Xiao’s eyes widened in shock. This is like something out of a drama!

After the initial shock wore off, He Xiao’s gaze toward Xie Changyuan turned sympathetic. That woman is like a curse, isn’t she? No matter how things turn, it always comes back to her…

Catching He Xiao’s sympathetic look, Xie Changyuan sneered. He couldn’t help but pity himself too—what had he done to deserve this fate?

He had been betrothed to Qin Yan since childhood, though the engagement had been secured through a half-truth on his part. Nevertheless, it had been a legitimate marriage arranged by the parents of both families.

In Meishan, it was Qin Yan who had saved him. If not for A Yan, how could that not have been the beginning of his true relationship with Qin Yan?

But A Yan, the one responsible for Qin Yan’s fall from the cliff, had somehow ended up being brought back to the capital by him, staying in his mansion for three years, leading others to mistakenly believe she was his hidden beloved.

And A Yan had even stolen Qin Yan’s paintings and falsely claimed the title of the Imperial Master disciple.

Now, A Yan—Ye Qingli—was about to become his legitimate wife, soon to be inscribed into the Xie family genealogy.

In the court, tensions between the Emperor and Empress Dowager Xiao were beginning to rise again. As the Emperor’s trusted confidant, Xie Changyuan couldn’t afford to refuse the marriage now, lest he become the target in the growing conflict between the Emperor and the Empress Dowager.

He had no choice but to go through with this marriage.

And yet, all these misunderstandings, all these complications—he hadn’t even begun to explain them to Qin Yan.

Bitterness welled up in Xie Changyuan’s heart. How could a man fight fate? Only destiny could play such cruel tricks.

And that brief conversation with Empress Yizhou seemed to carry some deeper meaning as if she had been hinting at something.

How could the daughter of the late Emperor Yizhou have been wandering in the capital for ten years? There was surely a hidden story there.

Xie Changyuan had already sent someone to investigate in Yizhou, but he dreaded the possibility that his suspicions might turn out to be true.


Xie Changyuan took a sip of tea and looked at He Xiao.

“If I remember correctly, the day after tomorrow is the wedding of the Shizi of Prince Duan Mansion and the eldest young lady of An. And you’re leaving tomorrow?”

He Xiao hadn’t expected Xie Changyuan to shift the conversation toward him suddenly. He thought to himself, Why should I pity Shizi Xie? I’m in the same boat, after all—another man who’s lost in love.

“The Taizi has issued a strict order. There’s no room for delay,” He Xiao replied casually, though both of them knew the truth. He Xiao simply didn’t want to witness An Yanxi marrying someone else and had no other choice but to escape reality by leaving.

Yes, both men were disheartened, yet they had to muster every ounce of strength to return to the city and attend to their official duties. They couldn’t have their hearts, but they couldn’t afford to lose their futures either.

Xie Changyuan and He Xiao mounted their horses and rode back to the city.

————-Top of Form

Bottom of Form

As they passed by a roadside tea shed, He Xiao caught sight of a group of people who had stopped to rest. Just as they were about to leave, a woman dressed in a frost-white dress caught his eye—Wang Jingyi?

He Xiao immediately reined in his horse, his expression darkening.

Noticing that He Xiao hadn’t followed, Xie Changyuan also stopped his horse and turned around.

He Xiao addressed Xie Changyuan, “Shizi Xie, you go on ahead. I have something to take care of.”

Xie Changyuan glanced toward the tea shed behind He Xiao and noticed the carriage from the Left Prime Minister Mansion. Realizing this was a private matter for He Xiao, he simply nodded and rode off.

Wang Jingyi’s family, led by her grandfather, the former Prime Minister and now the emperor’s father-in-law, had been a powerful force at court. Recently, her grandfather had been bedridden for a long time. Wang Jingyi had been sent by her father to Dajue Temple to pray for her grandfather’s health, showcasing filial piety.

Since her brother’s wedding was tomorrow, she was returning to the capital today.

He Xiao’s expression grew cold and menacing as he bit down hard on his molars. With a sudden movement, he turned his horse sharply and directed it straight toward the carriage that was about to depart. He snapped his whip, urging the horse into a wild charge at the carriage.

The people at the tea shed cried out and scattered in all directions as they saw the massive horse thundering toward them. The guards of the Left Prime Minister Mansion rushed forward to stop the horse, but it was impossible for them to do so barehanded.

He Xiao brought his horse to a sudden halt right in front of the two horses pulling the carriage. The horses reared up and neighed in fear. He Xiao, his expression icy and mocking, stared at the carriage.

“Just playing a little joke,” he said, his voice cold and malevolent.

The guards recognized the man on horseback as the former fiancé of their young lady and glared at him angrily.

However, the two horses pulling Wang Jingyi’s carriage were already spooked. They reared and kicked wildly, despite the driver’s desperate attempts to regain control. He was eventually thrown off the carriage, and the horses bolted, dragging the carriage behind them in a frantic, uncontrollable run.

“Young lady…”

“Young lady!”

The guards and Wang Jingyi’s maidservants cried out in panic as they rushed after the runaway carriage.

He Xiao watched the chaotic scene unfold before him, his gaze cold. Ever since learning of An Yanxi’s betrothal—to the Shizi of Prince Duan Mansion, who had long since left the capital, and not to the Taizi, whom she had long desired—He Xiao had been burning with resentment.

Now, He Xiao had no outlet for the violence brewing in his heart. In a fit of maliciousness, he had deliberately spooked Wang Jingyi’s horses, and yet he felt no remorse.

He blamed Wang Jingyi for forcing him into a marriage with Qin Nian, making him miss the chance to request the Emperor’s decree to marry Yanxi. He would make sure to settle this score.

As the guards from the Left Prime Minister’s residence chased after the runaway carriage, He Xiao let out a derisive laugh. Whistling to himself, he turned his horse around and rode back to the city.


On a side road off the official path leading into the city from the western suburbs, there stood a dilapidated Earth God Temple.

As Ji Mu, dressed in a long moon-white robe, stepped into the temple, a man clad in black emerged from the shadows. Kneeling on one knee, the man presented a letter with both hands to Ji Mu.

“Young Master.”

“The family head sent me with a message. The situation in the capital is unstable. The family head urges you to be cautious in all matters.”

“The family head also said that you must not ‘look for a horse while riding a donkey.’ Since the Ji family has allied with the Taizi, we must not betray him.”

Ji Mu took the letter, his brow furrowing.

Mother must have also heard about the recent turmoil in the court. Does she think I would break our agreement?

“Mind your own business and take care of yourself,” Ji Mu replied coolly, tossing the remark over his shoulder as he remounted his old donkey and leisurely trotted away.

Just as he turned back onto the official road, a carriage came hurtling toward him from the front.

Ji Mu quickly dismounted, pulling his donkey to the side to avoid the oncoming vehicle.

As the carriage sped past, the wind whipped the curtains aside, and Ji Mu caught a glimpse of the woman inside—it was none other than Wang Jingyi, the eldest daughter of the Left Prime Minister Mansion.

Ji Mu frowned, feeling conflicted. Before the Taizi left, he had sent word to Ji Mu, instructing him to keep an eye on Wang Jingyi.

But the risk of exposing his identity left Ji Mu with little time to deliberate. Glancing around to ensure no one else was nearby, he sighed and quickly dashed forward.

Unlike his usual appearance as a gentle scholar, Ji Mu now moved with sharp determination and remarkable speed, displaying impressive martial prowess.

In no time, Ji Mu caught up with the runaway carriage. With a swift leap, he landed beside the carriage and grabbed the reins, attempting to control the horses, but it was in vain.

Furrowing his brow, Ji Mu turned and pulled open the carriage curtain.

Inside, Wang Jingyi’s brows were tightly knit as she clung to the sides of the carriage. Sensing someone had boarded, she looked up to meet a pair of piercing eyes.

This man… she had seen him before…

Ji Mu, gripping the edge of the carriage with one hand, extended his other hand toward her.

“Give me your hand,” he commanded in a firm, unwavering tone that brooked no refusal.

Wang Jingyi hesitated, trying to recall where she had seen this man and whether he could be trusted.

Seeing her hesitation, Ji Mu grew impatient. He stepped into the carriage and, without waiting for her consent, grabbed her slender arm and pulled her toward the front.

The horses continued to gallop wildly, the wind whipping their clothes and hair into a frenzy.

“My apologies,” Ji Mu muttered, paying no mind to propriety. With that, he wrapped his arm around Wang Jingyi’s waist and, holding her securely, leaped from the carriage. They landed safely on the side of the road.

Wang Jingyi, still shaken, tried to steady her breathing as she processed what had just happened.

Ji Mu immediately released Wang Jingyi and took two steps to the side, watching the runaway carriage as it disappeared from view. His keen ears picked up the sound of the Left Prime Minister Mansion guards approaching.

At that moment, Ji Mu reined in his earlier intensity, lowering his gaze and reverting to his usual unassuming scholar’s demeanor.

Wang Jingyi, still holding her rapidly beating heart with one hand, looked with confusion at the back of the white-robed man as he walked away. She suddenly called out, “Who are you?”

Ji Mu hesitated for a brief moment but did not answer. He continued walking, unsure how to manage the situation and how to explain his actions to the Taizi if his identity was exposed.

“Whose man are you?” Wang Jingyi pressed further.

She now recalled seeing this man a few times at the Left Prime Minister Mansion—he was one of her father’s retainers. But the man had always been low-key and inconspicuous, never showing the kind of skill and presence he had just displayed.

This man is not ordinary, she thought. But since he had just saved her, he was more likely a friend than a foe. Whether he was an enemy of the Left Prime Minister Mansion was another matter.

Then she remembered the Empress’s words when she left Dajue Temple, saying that the Taizi would look out for her. Could it be…

“Are you Taizi’s man?” she asked.

Ji Mu paused, a flash of coldness passing through his eyes. He regretted his impulsive decision to act, but the next words from Wang Jingyi eased some of his tension.

“Thank you. I won’t reveal your identity,” Wang Jingyi said, her suspicions now nearly confirmed.

Ji Mu turned to look at her, a trace of curiosity in his gaze.

Wang Jingyi’s perceptiveness was impressive.

At that moment, the guards from the Left Prime Minister Mansion caught up to them.

Ji Mu turned away and discreetly slipped away from the main road.

Wang Jingyi quickly redirected her attention as her maid rushed up, tearfully fussing over her, checking for any injuries.

After mounting her horse, Wang Jingyi passed Ji Mu, who was walking slowly along the side of the road. She did not look in his direction, keeping her gaze straight ahead as she rode off.

Her father was her blood relative, but his actions could potentially bring down their entire family. The Taizi had placed someone in the Left Prime Minister Mansion, likely because he was wary of her father—perhaps he had even uncovered something incriminating.

If her father truly had committed treasonous acts, exposing Taizi’s man now wouldn’t save the Prime Minister Mansion. Instead, it would offend both the Taizi and the Empress, making them see her as ungrateful.

When the nest is overturned, no egg remains intact.

So… should she follow her mother’s wishes and leave the family through marriage?

Or was there another way out?


At the Shuyu Pavilion by the Qianshui Lake in the Capital City.

An autumn rain drizzled down, adding a touch of melancholy to those bidding farewell.

He Xiao was set to leave the capital tomorrow, and he had planned to share a farewell drink with Xie Changyuan tonight. However, due to Xie Changyuan’s busy schedule, He Xiao found himself drinking alone, having to restrain himself from getting too drunk to avoid compromising tomorrow’s swift departure.

By the low couch near the lake-facing window, opposite He Xiao, sat Nanxu, her legs crossed. She quietly refilled He Xiao’s cup at the right moment, her expression calm and composed.

He Xiao downed another cup of wine, a bitter smile tugging at his lips.

“She’s getting married.”

This seemingly out-of-context statement was perfectly understood by Nan Xu. The “she” He Xiao spoke of was none other than An Yanxi, the eldest daughter of the An family—Nanxu’s former cousin.

These past few days, the capital had been abuzz with talk of the alliances between the great families, with everyone seemingly aware, including Nanxu, despite her life in a place as detached as Shuyu Pavilion.

Nanxu didn’t look up; her gaze remained on He Xiao’s cup as she continued to pour.

Suddenly, He Xiao snatched the wine jug from her hand, his voice filled with venom.

“You must be mocking me in your heart, laughing at how I can’t have the one I love.”

Nanxu appeared startled, and He Xiao, realizing his outburst, softened his tone, though it carried a note of sadness.

“Heh, but who really gets what they want?”

He Xiao took a long swig directly from the jug, his slightly drunken eyes fixed on Nanxu as he murmured, “The one in your heart, Shizi Xie—do you know who he truly cares for? It’s Princess Zhaoren, Qin Yan, his former fiancée. Isn’t it ironic?”

“The one he truly loves is the fiancée he personally pushed away, not the impostor who lived in his household for three years.”

Nanxu’s expression remained calm, but her heart was in turmoil.

So that’s how it is…

Is this the truth?

That night, when Shizi Xie muttered in his sleep, was he saying “Yan Yan” and not “Yan Yan”?

A bitter taste filled Nanxu’s heart. It’s Princess Zhaoren—how could I ever compete?


Nanxu lowered her eyes, trying to hide the sorrow within them, but suddenly her delicate wrist was grasped by He Xiao. Startled, she looked up to meet his reddened eyes.

He Xiao, still holding her wrist, staggered to his feet and moved closer to her.

“Neither of us can have the person we truly want, Nanxu. Why don’t you come with me?”

Nan Xu was shocked.

He Xiao looked at the woman before him and gave a resigned smile.

“We’ve known each other for so many years, so I won’t lie to you. I’m drawn to you because of your resemblance to Yanxi. I can help you leave this life behind and bring you into my household. How about that?”

Nanxu seemed stunned by his words, unable to respond for a long time.

Suddenly, He Xiao pulled her into his arms, his large hand gently caressing her delicate back as he spoke in a hoarse, enticing voice, “This deal is fair, isn’t it?”

The rain outside intensified, the pattering of raindrops occasionally sending cold droplets into the room through the open window. Yet inside, a different kind of warmth filled the space, one of intimacy and entanglement.

As the rain finally ceased and the clouds dispersed, He Xiao fell into a deep sleep.

Nan Xu pulled a thin blanket over herself, covering her bare body, and turned slightly to face away from He Xiao. Her left hand slowly rested on her still-flat abdomen.

Child, will you be pleased with the father I’ve chosen for you?

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