TCPCHW Chapter 74

The Crown Prince Chases His Wife

Chapter 74          The Encounter

Nameless Villa at Lingshan.

Inside the warm pavilion, the hot spring water flowed gently, filling the room with a comforting warmth.

Qin Yan lay reclined on the soft couch, her body glistening with a thin layer of sweat, whether from the heat of the room or the shivers brought on by the person before her. Her smooth, delicate skin flushed with a tempting hue of red.

Her body arched slightly, her slender neck tilted back as she sighed softly in satisfaction.

After a brief moment of calm, Qin Yan propped herself up, her phoenix eyes still carrying a trace of allure as she looked towards Feng Zhan at the foot of the couch. Her voice, slightly hoarse, broke the silence, “How did you get so good at this?”

Feng Zhan lifted his head, his deep black eyes still tinged with desire, his hair casually draped over his muscular body, giving him a more unrestrained look than usual.

Qin Yan suspected that Feng Zhan was using his beauty to seduce her.

But Feng Zhan always left her hanging, which stirred a slight annoyance within her.

Seeing that Feng Zhan wasn’t making any further moves, Qin Yan furrowed her brow and suddenly kicked out with her foot. Her white jade-like foot was caught by Feng Zhan’s large hand, which gently squeezed it.

Qin Yan pulled her foot back, and Feng Zhan released his grip, then slowly stood up, reaching for the outer robe he had discarded before entering the hot spring and draping it over his shoulders.

He then picked up a pure white woolen blanket from a nearby low table and walked over to Qin Yan, gently placing it over her.

Afterward, Feng Zhan stood up straight, his deep eyes fixed on Qin Yan, his tone unusually serious, “Qin Yan, I have never had another woman before, and in the future, whether it’s in the Taizi Mansion or the imperial harem, there will only be you.”

“If you have any concerns about our relationship, you can always tell me.”

“Anything you want, I can give you. This is the treatment you deserve, and also the treatment of the Crown Princess.”

Qin Yan frowned. The Crown Prince was trying to ensnare her again.

She casually grabbed a soft pillow beside her and threw it at Feng Zhan, who caught it effortlessly.

A small, pleased smile tugged at the corner of Feng Zhan’s lips as he leaned down and pressed a light kiss on Qin Yan’s smooth forehead, pulling away almost immediately.

He gently brushed aside the messy strands of hair on the side of Qin Yan’s face, his gaze warm, his voice low and rich, “Among millions of people, it is our fortune to have met. Qin Yan, do not squander the fate that heaven has bestowed upon us.”

After Feng Zhan left, Qin Yan pulled the blanket tightly around herself, relaxing her body as she began to meditate.

But Feng Zhan’s words lingered in her mind, refusing to fade, as if they were meant to take root deep within her heart.


Song Zhi noticed that Taizi’s expression wasn’t particularly good when he stepped out of the warm pavilion, so he immediately followed him.

Did it not go well? Song Zhi wondered silently as he followed the Taizi back to his courtyard.

Upon entering, Feng Zhan went straight to a tea table, washed his hands, and began to brew tea.

Song Zhi stood by, thinking to himself, Is this… tea for after an unsuccessful attempt?

Feng Zhan drank two cups of clear tea before setting the cup down and speaking to Song Zhi in a low voice, “How is the fleet?”

Song Zhi immediately snapped out of his speculative thoughts and reported with a serious expression, “Your Highness, we received word from the secret guards just now. Shortly after you left the ship today, the fleet was attacked.”

“The assassins were highly skilled swimmers, emerging from the water. There were even some from the eastern islands.”

“Today’s fog was indeed thick, but fortunately, we were well-prepared in advance. The fleet suffered minimal losses, and there were no significant casualties among our people.”

Feng Zhan’s eyes grew cold. Eastern assassins…

After a brief pause, the Taizi spoke calmly, “Can the fleet reach Yunshui Town by tomorrow?”

Song Zhi replied, “If the fog clears by tomorrow, the fleet should be able to continue southward and should reach the town by tomorrow evening.”

“Good. You may leave.” Feng Zhan dismissed Song Zhi with a wave of his hand and then propped his forehead with one hand while his other hand, with its distinct, knuckle-defined fingers, played with the teapot on the table.

Feng Zhan didn’t want to pressure Qin Yan, so he decided to give her more time. But if Qin Yan still couldn’t overcome her inner barriers, he wouldn’t hesitate to resort to other means.

Qin Yan was destined to be his Crown Princess.


The next day, the weather was clear, and the morning mist over the mountains gradually dissipated under the sunlight, revealing Lingshan’s true appearance. The leaves on the trees had turned a mix of red and yellow, and they swirled and drifted to the ground in the crisp autumn wind, creating a serene and beautiful scene.

Qin Yan was still displeased with Feng Zhan for leaving her hanging the previous night, so she ordered Ji Nanfeng to prepare a separate carriage for her descent from the mountain.

Feng Zhan, seeing this, sighed lightly and allowed her to be willful.

The two carriages, one following the other, set off down the mountain, without visible guards but with shadow guards hidden in the background, heading towards Yunshui Town.

Yunshui Town was a hub for ships and carriages traveling from the north and south, frequented by dignitaries, wealthy merchants, and influential figures. As such, Qin Yan and Feng Zhan’s carriages didn’t stand out among the others.

As the carriages moved through the bustling marketplace, the crowds became increasingly dense, causing the carriages to slow down and eventually come to a standstill.

Feng Zhan sat alone in his carriage, which had been stuck in the crowd for some time. Song Zhi, who was at the front, suggested, “Your Highness, this is the only road that leads to the canal docks, but it’s unusually congested ahead. Your Highness, we may need to disembark and proceed on foot.”

Feng Zhan looked up, lifted the side curtain of the carriage, and saw the bustling market with people packed tightly together. Indeed, several carriages had already pulled over to the side, unable to move forward.


Upon hearing this, Song Zhi opened the carriage curtain and set up the step stool, allowing the Taizi to get off the carriage.

At this time, Qin Yan also got out of her carriage.

Song Zhi and Shen Ying handed the reins of the carriages to the shadow guards, then followed their masters through the crowd, walking along the busy streets.

Though the area was filled with wealthy merchants and influential figures, and Qin Yan and Feng Zhan’s clothing was not particularly eye-catching, their noble bearing still drew frequent glances.

The closer they got to the heart of the street, the more densely packed the crowd became. Both Feng Zhan and Qin Yan, who usually preferred tranquility, found the scene increasingly bothersome, their brows furrowing in response.

As they passed by a rouge stall, the stall owner, an older man, glanced several times at the striking pair before him and suddenly called out to them.

“Young master, young master…”

Seeing that the man in the dark robe did not turn around, the stall owner reached out to grab his sleeve, but Song Zhi blocked him with a cold gaze.

Feng Zhan and Qin Yan, who had been walking side by side, paused and turned back.

The stall owner’s expression relaxed, and he lowered his voice as much as possible, “Young master, I advise you to take your lady and leave town quickly. If the Mu family’s servants see you two, I’m afraid you won’t be able to leave Yunshui Town today.”

The woman at the adjacent clay figurine stall nodded in agreement, “Yes, yes, I’ve seen many men and women forcibly taken by the Mu family’s people over the past few days. With your striking looks, you’ll stand out even more.”

The nearby vendors all nodded in confirmation.

Song Zhi asked with a puzzled expression, “Grabbing people in broad daylight?”


The stall owners, seeing that the group seemed to be outsiders and with the streets quiet due to everyone going to watch the commotion, began to chat among themselves, eagerly sharing the gossip of the past few days.

“You don’t look like locals, do you? Tsk, tsk, the Mu family is the most powerful clan in Yunshui Town.”

“You’ve heard of the Yu family from Yangzhou, right? The Mu family is related to the Yu family through several generations of marriage.”

“You can’t afford to offend the Mu family, and you definitely can’t offend the Yu family.”

“The Yu family once had an adopted daughter who was a young lady in the Prime Minister Mansion in the capital. It’s said that she might even become the Crown Princess and the future Empress.”

“That would make the Yu family practically royalty. You really can’t afford to cross them.”

“The Taizi’s dragon boat will be passing through Yunshui Town in the next few days, and the Mu family is preparing beauties for the Taizi.”

“I heard that the Taizi didn’t accept any of the beauties offered from the previous towns. This time, the Mu family is going all out. Besides noble ladies, they’ve prepared famous courtesans, elegant courtesans, nuns, Taoist priestesses, widows… A whole variety of beauties, something for every taste. Who knows if the Taizi will be satisfied this time…”

“I also heard that the Mu family has even prepared handsome young men this time. There’s a rumor that the Taizi isn’t interested in women and might prefer men instead…”

The stall owners glanced at Qin Yan and then at Feng Zhan, clicking their tongues in sympathy.

“Young master, you should leave quickly. Your lady here is a true beauty, and even you… I’m afraid the Mu family won’t spare you either.”

Feng Zhan’s expression grew darker by the minute, while Qin Yan raised an eyebrow and looked at the Taizi beside her.

“It seems, Your Highness, that you’re in for quite the fortune of beauty.”

The surrounding stall owners assumed that this stunning woman was merely commenting, just like they were, completely unaware that the very Taizi they were talking about stood right in front of them, his face growing increasingly grim.

Feng Zhan turned to look at the teasing expression on Qin Yan’s face. Without giving her a chance to refuse, he extended his large hand and took hold of her delicate hand hanging by her side.

“Don’t get lost, Madam.”

With Qin Yan’s hand firmly in his, Feng Zhan continued forward, ignoring the stall owners’ pleas to leave. However, after only a few steps, Song Zhi led the Crown Prince and Qin Yan down another path that also led to the dock.

Song Zhi had already memorized the map before they set out. Their goal was to avoid drawing attention, and the stall owners’ warnings weren’t without merit. Some troubles are better avoided when possible.

——–Top of Form

Bottom of Form

Qin Yan’s lingering resentment towards Feng Zhan from the previous night had not yet dissipated. Several times along the way, she attempted to pull her hand free from his grasp, but each time, Feng Zhan firmly stopped her.

Song Zhi and Shen Ying, walking alongside, silently mused that perhaps this was just part of their master’s way of expressing affection.

After about half the time it takes for an incense stick to burn, they arrived at a bustling dock.

Feng Zhan’s eyes narrowed as he surveyed the situation at the dock, only for a moment. He then led Qin Yan into a modest teahouse nearby, choosing a quiet corner to sit down. He ordered a pot of ordinary tea and sat in silence, though the tea remained untouched.

Qin Yan had a strong suspicion of what was going on. The Taizi’s choice to personally inspect Yunshui Town, a key hub in Jiangnan’s canal transport system, likely had to do with the grain shipments.

The teahouse was busy, filled with people coming and going, and the sound of conversation was constant. Occasionally, snippets of discussion from nearby tables would drift over to their inconspicuous corner.

“Cousin, the fee to pass through the canal is ten taels per boat the day after tomorrow, fifteen taels tomorrow, and today it’s gone up to twenty taels! It’s robbery, I tell you!”

“There’s nothing we can do. It’s the Mu family’s dock, and we have to bow our heads to them. Let’s just bear it and get through this. Twenty taels it is. If we delay our journey, we’ll have a hard time explaining to our boss.”

“But with all these tolls every few miles, by the time we reach the capital, the extra fees will cost as much as the goods themselves.”

“Ah, just raise the prices. Everyone’s doing it. The capital is full of rich folks who can afford to pay the premium. No need to worry yourself. Let me tell you, Li San, our shipping costs are nothing compared to what the grain farmers have to endure. They’re in a much worse situation.”

“How so, cousin?”

“Well, when grain farmers submit their canal grain, they’re hit with so many extra charges from the transport officials. To submit one stone of grain, they end up paying three to four stones. It’s really tragic.”

“That much?”

“Let me break it down for you: First, there’s the ‘foot price,’ an extra five dou and five sheng per stone of grain. Then there’s the ‘crossing river rice,’ an extra one dou per stone. Third, the ‘substitution rice,’ an extra two sheng per stone. Fourth, the ‘rat loss rice,’ which adds four shengs per stone for reconstituted rice and seven shengs for the original rice. Finally, there’s the ‘light silver fee,’ which is for hiring labor along the way, converting to half a tael of silver per stone…”

“These are just the ones I know about. I’ve heard there are even more ways to squeeze money out of the grain farmers. Compared to that, our shipping costs aren’t the worst.”

“Aren’t these transport officials afraid of getting caught for adding so many extra charges on the grain?”

“The canal officials in Yunshui Town are all backed by the Mu family. The Mu family is connected to the Yu family in Yangzhou. The Yu family is supported by the Left Prime Minister in the capital. Who would dare investigate them?”

“You can’t really blame the canal officials for squeezing the grain farmers. With all the layers of extortion, how much do you think they have left for themselves? And if there’s ever an investigation, they’ll be the first to take the fall.”

“It’s just a bunch of poor souls, really. Let’s go pay the fee and set sail.”

“Right away.”


The Left Prime Minister’s Residence?

Qin Yan glanced at Feng Zhan, whose expression had darkened considerably. Is the Taizi planning to take action against the Left Prime Minister’s faction? she wondered.

Feng Zhan’s long fingers tapped lightly on the table, and he also lifted his gaze to meet Qin Yan’s.

At that moment, a large group of people bustled into the teahouse.

“Quick, have some tea and rest your feet. Madam and Second Miss’s boat will be arriving soon. Make sure everything is in order—we can’t let the Prime Minister in the capital have even the slightest bad impression of the clan. The whole family is counting on the Prime Minister for promotion.”

“So, it’s just Madam bringing the Second Miss back for the ancestral rites? The Eldest Miss and Young Master didn’t come?”

“Watch your mouth! Is it your place to comment on the master’s affairs? Just do your job.”

“I heard that the Eldest Miss is now a titled princess, granted by the emperor himself. She’s very high-ranking and doesn’t get along with the madam. How could Madam possibly persuade her to come?”

“Keep your mouth shut! Whether you should say something or not, you’d better watch it. If you displease Madam, you’ll be asking for trouble.”

“Alright, let’s go, let’s go. We need to hurry to the dock.”


The group then left the teahouse as noisily as they had arrived.

This time, it was Feng Zhan who looked at Qin Yan with a meaningful expression.

They exchanged glances, both understanding that the “Prime Minister” mentioned by the group was none other than the Right Prime Minister, Qin Wenzheng.

Qin Yan’s eyes narrowed slightly. Song Mei and Qin Nian returning to Yangzhou for ancestral rites at this time?

When something seems unusual, it usually is…

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